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Draft Detail

Welcome to the Draft Detail Page. Please refere back to this page if you have questions.

This year we do not have the option to have a live auction. We can use the format for the public action, to make the selections. Each team will consist of 6 racers. 4 will race each week, and 2 will be your bench racers.

Carrying forward from last year, each team will have their flag ship driver. These drivers will not be able to be bid on. The remaining drivers will be ranked by each team. 43 points will be assigned to the team that you want the most. 1 point would be to the team you want the least.

Serpentine Draft or Snake Draft

The draft will then be conducted based of rankings from last year. If there was a new comer to the league they would get a first draft pick. The remainder will be go from worst to best record, in the first round. Then in the second round the order would be reversed.

Using the ranking, the best driver will be picked from the remaining drivers, until all teams have 6 drivers.

For example, in a 6 team league #1 would draft first in round 1 & #6 would draft last. But in Round 2 #6 would draft first and #1 would draft last. The teams would be in normal order in odd rounds and reversed in even rounds.

Draft Order

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